Welcome to the website of Dr. Anne Renneboog
Gynaecology - Contraception - Menopause - Ultrasound – Sex therapy
The medical information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only. They are in no way a substitute for a consultation with your doctor.

We wish to offer you the care you expect from a personalized consultation by appointment.
This is not possible at the rate prescribed by the Belgian convention.
Therefore we have not acceded to the convention.
We speak
- Dutch
- French
- English
- Private practice: Koning Albertlaan 189, 1082 Sint-Agatha-Berchem - click here
- Medical Centre Parc Leopold, avenue du Trône 1000, 1050 Ixelles, 02 434 81 03
- Delta Hospital, Boulevard du Triomphe 201, 1160 Bruxelles, 02 434 81 11 - gynecological ultrasound only
To contact us
Tel: 02 469 00 85
Mobile: 0491 333 215 – mobile, only answered during consultation hours - messages sent to the phone number 0491 333 215 will not be answered.
Website: http://www.drannerenneboog.be
mail: moc.liamg@ocenyggoobennerrd
Emails should be short and cannot be a substitute for a consultation. The doctor does not always have the time to reply immediately. Please keep this in mind.
keep in mind that an email is not a secure link and does not guarantee confidentiality for an exchange of medical data.
Seksuologie, sexologie, sexology, vaginisme, pijn bij vrijen, pijn na vrijen, dyspareunie, vestibulodynie, vulvodynie, douleur à la pénétration, douleur après la pénétration, erectiele dysfunctie, erectieproblemen, dysfonction érectile, problème d'érection, premature ejaculatie, te snel klaarkomen, éjaculation rapide, éjaculation précoce, verminderd seksueel verlangen, seksuele aversie, diminution du désir sexuel, aversion sexuelle, orgasme, geen orgasme, moeilijk klaarkomen, niet klaarkomen, absence d'orgasme, difficulté à avoir un orgasme, seksuele ontevredenheid, insatisfaction sexuelle, pain during intercourse, pain after intercourse, pain at penetration, impossible penetration, diminished sexual desire, excessive sexual desire, aversion for sex, problems with erection, erectile dysfunction, precocious ejaculation, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, anejaculation, no ejaculation, sexual dissatisfaction.